Street Fighter 6 Akuma Reveal Trailer

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Capcom have finally dropped the Street Fighter 6 Akuma reveal trailer!

The latest trailer on the official Capcom channel showcases the legendary demon in his new SF6 style!

But lets take a closer look at what else the trailer hints at

Street Fighter 6 Akuma Reveal And Oni

Fans were excited to see the big man himself Akuma get some screen time. Ever since the DLC leak before release we have known Akuma was set to make his presense at the new world fighters stage.

But time has hit the demon himself showing off some impressive long white hair.

The trailer tells us that he is soon to drop Spring 2024. However, this could mean as early as next month or the month after.

In the trailer we see Akuma do what he does best by hanging out by himself training. Fans were quick to point out that this was his Steet Fighter Alpha stage. We may possibly see this stage return alongised him!

But during a segement where he boides a statue twice his size he seems to be surrounded by some red like aura. This could be Akuma finally reaching the heights of power he has so desired.

Specifically he could be harnassing the power of Oni, a character showcased in SF4.

He may of lost his stylish red hair but he is definitley rocking the warrior hemrit look. Also with his new colour he has left the razor behind going for a full beard this time around.

The trailer stands at a million views within the first 24 hours of posting. Although Akuma is older than most than the players currently he still brings in the views and fans alike.

It will be interesting to see how his part plays in the wider SF6 story. Although if I had to hazard a guess it would just be him staying in his cave!

Is Akuma Still The Bad Guy

Lets not forget ourselves what Akuma was first intended as. Where we have Mbison as the out and out world dominating bad guy, Akuma was revealed to be a more personal villain to the main cast.

That being the man who murderd the master to both Ryu and Ken. After killing his younger brother Akuma was showcased as a big problem to the main cast but somewhat took a passive role in later entries.

Now he acts more as a force of nature rather than an out and out villain. Which I always find a bit dissapointing given his personal connection to the rest of the cast especially Ryu.

Where Ryu struggled with fighting back the evil that comes with strength Akuma gave himself up completley. Dont get me wrong Im always happy to see the demon make an appearance especially in stuff like Azuras Wrath.

But hopefully this time around Capcom will focus more on his dynamic with the cast and honestly give something for Ryu and Akuma to do.

Or you know just have him punch a ship out of water again! Come to think of it SF6 does not really have an out and out bad guy sop mabye its time for someone to fill those boots.

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