Street Fighter 6 DLC Outfit 3 Reveal

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Street Fighter 6 DLC Outfit 3 Reveal
Samuel Brickell

New Street Fighter 6 DLC outfit drops for all additional fighters have been announced!

Cacpom has revealed the new costumes for AKI, Akuma, Rashid, and Ed.

But are these outfits worth the additional price on top of buying these fighters?

Street Fighter 6 DLC Outfit 3 Alternatives

For those bored with the two outfits available for all DLC fighters, do not worry. Capcom has just revealed the newest outfits for all DLC fighters.

Athlete. Fashionista. Commander. Shura.

Outfit 3 for Rashid, A.K.I., Ed, and Akuma will be available on May 22!

— Street Fighter (@StreetFighter) May 15, 2024

Yes, even Akuma is getting a new one! However, he is not even out yet, so maybe wait on that one.

Outfit 3 for Rashid. AKI, Ed, and Akuma will be available on May 22nd! This also aligns with Akuma’s release and the new battle balance update.

Out of all the fighters, AKI and Akuma have responded most positively to AKI’s and Akuma’s new deip. Aki does look great, and, to be honest, Ed’s OG outfit is always welcome. But Rashid is a bit of a mixed bag for players, it seems.

Which really goes with his whole MO. All these designs seem to be inspired by early contemporary art made during production.

Just saying, if you do not like the Rashid Desing, just thank God they did not go for his other conepts, sheesh.

Personally, he just looks like he got sponsored by Adidas, which I am really fine with. He comes across as the sellout influencer type anyhow.

Akuma looks cool, but honestly, his default and outfit 2 look intimate as is. Now wake me up when he gets the Asuras Wrath costume; that will be the real stuff.

But are these new costumes enough for players to bust out Papa’s credit card for another round?

Or shall we as players wait for the price drop and/or the new version of SF6 that comes bundled with everything?

Come on, Capcom, you know it’s just around the corner with these guys.

Costume Price

Of course, Capcom has not announced how much each costume is going to set us back.

Street Fighter 6 DLC Outfit

If last time was anything to go off of, it will most likely cost us six dollars each. But more specifically, 300 fighter coins each.

Although Capcom could inflate the price due to inflation or some other bull,!

It would be a surprise, though, seeing how much backlash came from the last outfit pricing. Look, I get it. Moedling is hard work. But it does not cost more than retail for what really is a day of work distributed between a full professional team.

This is not some one guy making all of them (or at least I hope so).

I saw some places even remark that this is a good thing as it is cheaper than other eSports titles.

That’s not good; it’s just sad that we, as a people, let the entire industry allow this kind of thing.

Street Fighter 6 DLC Outfit

Look what you did, Todd Howard! You just had to get horse amour into Oblivion, didn’t you?

But hey, no one is forcing the nice new costumes on anyone, and at most, you will most likely just buy one or two. Or none; just be a real chad and not buy into this stuff. Wait for a reasonable offer and go for it.

Again, this is Capcom; the discounts and bundles will come!

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